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News Releases

Attacks on Women Wearing Hijabs and Niqabs in Moscow and the Moscow Region

In late August and early September 2023, at least three girls wearing Muslim headscarves were attacked in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Representatives from unregistered Evangelical Christian-Baptist churches protest changes to the law on freedom of conscience
Representatives from unregistered Evangelical Christian-Baptist churches have appealed to the Russian president protesting against a new bill, which in their opinion “encroaches on citizens’ rights to freedom of conscience and religion.”
Russian government approves draft amendment “On Freedom of Conscience”, easing registration for religious organizations

On March 20th, 2014, the Russian government confirmed a bill “On amending Federal Law ‘On freedom of conscience and religious associations’ and abrogating provisions of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, and made the decision to submit the bill to the Duma. The change primarily drops the requirement to confirm that a religious group has existed for at least 15 years in order to be registered as a religious organization.

Imams from Novosibirsk turn to ECHR
Ilkhom Merazhov and Kamil Odilov have appealed to the European Court of Human Rights.
In Krasnoyarsk, new prosecutions for studying Nursi literature
In Krasnoyarsk on January 24th, 2014, Andrei Dedkov was detained on suspicion of organizing activities for the banned religious association “Nurdzhular”.
Procurator admits that torture used on church arson suspects in Tatarstan
On December 23, 2013, Tatarstan’s procurator admitted that torture had been used, after reviewing a complaint about Nizhnekamsk’s police activities from the wife of one the prisoners held on charge of setting fire to a church.
Suspects of church arson in Tatarstan indicted

On January 9th, 2014 one of the suspects believed to be involved in the arson of a church, Rafael Zarilov, was indicted on five counts. He was indicted under article 205 (terrorist act), 222 (unlawful purchase, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of weapons, their main parts, ammunition, explosives, and explosive devices), and 223 (unlawful manufacture of weapons) of the Russian Criminal Code.

New Russian Religious Prisoner?
Tatar activist, Fauziya Bairamova, was officially charged on January 29, 2014  under part 1 of article 282 of the Russian Criminal Code for “incitement of hatred or enmity and humiliation of  human dignity.” 
Moscow’s Muslims outraged at FSB warning that mosques are meeting-places for terrorists
On January 24th, 2014, Muslims in Moscow were outraged at the distribution of an official warning from the FSB, which described mosques as places of gathering for terrorists, and that “earnest prayer” was an identifiable behavior of suicide bombers.
Case against leader of Tobolsk Jehovah’s Witnesses dismissed
In January 2014 the Tobolsk city court dismissed the case against the leader of the Tobolsk group of Jehovah’s Witnesses Ilnur Ashirmametov, who had been accused of “propagandizing the superiority of the teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.”