Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Исследовательский Центр «Сова» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Исследовательский Центр «Сова».


A. Verkhovsky. Public Interactions between Orthodox Christian and Moslem Organizations at the Federal Level
We publish on our web-site the shortened version of paper presented on the seminar "Islam and Orthodoxy: Confrontation, Cohabitation, and Comparison" in Vienna, 12-13 March 2007
Alexander Verkhovsky, Olga Sibireva. Problems Relating to Freedom of Conscience in Russia in 2006
The report is based on the findings of SOVA Center's monitoring. This information is presented in its entirety in Religion in a Secular Society section (http://religion.sova-center.ru), including references to media and Web resources. We only give references here which are not indicated in the section above.
Rather than address each and every issue relevant to the activity of religious associations, this paper focuses on issues involved in exercising one's freedom of conscience. Freedom of conscience must be protected by government, so we focus on government practices; however, some problems may be caused by non-state actors. We also understand that the exercise of one's freedom of conscience, just as any other right or liberty, may result in various conflicts. Some of such conflict situations will be described in the paper.
Russia has not yet developed a tradition of reporting on the freedom of conscience; SOVA Center also undertakes this work for the fist time, and we do not claim to be providing exhaustive coverage or unquestionable accuracy of interpretations. We will appreciate any criticism, additions, or corrections.