Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Исследовательский Центр «Сова» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Исследовательский Центр «Сова».


On the liquidation of SOVA Center for Information and Analysis and our future functioning

On August 17, 2023, the First Appellate Court approved the decision of the Moscow City Court, adopted in April, to liquidate the regional public organization Sova Center (ROO Tsentr “Sova”). This decision thereby entered into force.

From today on, we have decided to function as a community of researchers under the name of SOVA Research Center. The results of this work will be available on this website, as well as in SOVA Research Center's Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram accounts.

The Moscow City Court orders liquidation of SOVA Center
On April 27, 2023 Judge Vyacheslav Polyga of the Moscow City Court considered the request filed by Russia’s Ministry of Justice to liquidate the Regional Public Association "Sova" and decided to approve the request.