In November 2008, not less than 18 people, including 3 fatalities, became victims of racist and neo-nazi violence in Russia. Beside Moscow, the crimes were reported in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza and Kaliningrad. For comparison, in November 2007, we recorded 70 victims, including 4 fatalities.
In total, since the beginning of 2008, not less than 82 people died and 348 were injured. In the same time period in 2007, 75 people died and 563 were injured. The considerable growth of the number of deaths lets us presume that the real number of injured people is higher than the one we have recorded, because many of the non-fatal violent hate crimes go underreported.
Beside Moscow region (48 killed and 167 injured people) and St. Petersburg region (15 killed and 34 injured people), attacks were reported in 37 regions of Russia, including Voronezh (2 killed, 17 injured), Yekaterinburg (4 killed, 14 injured) and Nizhny Novgorod (2 killed, 12 injured).
People coming from the Central Asia form, as before, the group of the most frequent victims of hate crimes: in 2008, there are 46 killed and 94 injured people.
So called :Russian March; on November 4, caused traditional tension in Russia. Rallies and marches were organized in 13 Russian cities, and not less than in 2 of them (Moscow and St. Petersburg) the manifestations were accompanied with racially motivated attacks. Photos from the Moscow events are available here, here, here and here (photos on the last link are available for publication in better resolution).
In November 2008, only one verdict for hate motivated violence was issued: in Kaluga region, 8 neo-nazis (including 6 minors) were convicted of a series of hate motivated robberies resulting in a death of one person. All the participants of the group were convicted, but prosecutor is going to appeal the sentence considering it to be too mild (they got from 2 years of suspended sentence to 6 years of penal colony).
There was only one verdict for a non-violent crime in November, for :extremist calls; (article 280 of the Criminal Code). These calls to extremism (including some racist remarks) were posted on an Internet forum. This only proves that the law enforcements tend to prosecute singular and low profile statements rather than to fight with popular and influential hate websites.
In all, since the beginning of the year, there were not less than 25 verdicts for violent hate crimes against 87 people and 38 verdicts for hate propaganda against 50 people.
The federal List of Extremist Materials was enlarged in November. The number of entries grew from 277 to 291. However, in reality there are 282 titles of the materials, because 9 materials were put on the list twice.