Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Исследовательский Центр «Сова» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Исследовательский Центр «Сова».


Criminal cases against Tesak
It seems that Maxim Martsinkevich, better known as Tesak (meaning “backsword”, sometimes translated as "Slasher"), may soon face a third conviction by the Russian courts. The 29-year-old nationalist, under arrest since late January, has a long history of using the Internet as a tool for inciting to ethnic and social hatred.
Racism and Xenophobia in March 2014
The following is our monthly review of instances of xenophobia and radical nationalism, along with any government coordination or countermeasures, for the month of March 2014. The review is based on material gathered by Sova Center in the course of our daily monitoring.