Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Исследовательский Центр «Сова» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Исследовательский Центр «Сова».


Russian Nationalists Veterans on the Donbas War
An article "Russian Nationalists Veterans on the Donbas War" by Natalia Yudina and Alexander Verkhovsky is published in special issue on Donbas fighters in Nationalities Papers.
Red/brown – hit of the season. Public activities of ultra-right groups, winter-spring 2019
See the summary of the new report by Vera Alperovich on the dynamics of Russian nationalists’ political activities in winter-spring 2019. The full version is available here in Russian.
A New Turn of the Kremlin’s Anti-Extremist Policy
The Point & Counterpoint project by PONARS Eurasia releases Alexander Verkhovsky's piece on the latest developments of anti-extremist legislation.
The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review releases a special issue on Russia’s anti-extremism legislation
On April 23, 2019, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review released its special issue “Understanding Russia’s Anti-Extremism Law: Historical Contexts and Contemporary Consequences” with a contribution by SOVA Center's expert Maria Kravchenko. 
On the Threshold of Change? The State Against the Promotion of Hate and the Political Activity of Nationalists in Russia in 2018
This report by Natalia Yudina is an analytic review of the state's efforts to counter incitement of hatred and political activities of Russian nationalists. It presents the results of SOVA Center's monitoring carried out 2018.
Far Right and Arithmetic: Hate Crime in Russia and Efforts to Counteract It in 2018
This is an analytic review focused on the phenomenon, known as hate crimes – that is, on ordinary criminal offenses committed on the grounds of ethnic, religious or other similar enmity or prejudice.